Sunday, December 04, 2005

Fr. Hughes' Homily =)

What really struck me about Fr. Hughes' homily at Guardian Angels today:

* The story about the devout Catholic wife out in the Canadian prairies whose husband was not religious. She had to raise their children as Catholics herself, without her husband's help, and her husband didn't want to go to Mass with her and the kids. The husband's efforts to save some stubborn geese from a blizzard taught him that his wife and kids were showing him the way to Heaven the whole time. Jesus came to live with us and to show us the way.
* Being happy is to have had good days and bad days, but no regrets.
* Happy is different from joyful (feeling like everything's wonderful, nice and rosy). XD

Monday, November 21, 2005

Taste in Music

You can really learn a lot about a person by looking at their taste in music. 0 = )

<3 Carmela

>>Smiling again! =D

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Tada! My Colour Quiz results!

Click here for my results.


<3 Carmela

Sunday, November 06, 2005

These Words Have Made Me Happier Than Any Other Words I've Ever Read In My Whole Life

Garrick says:
yer a perfect example of what a christian should be :3
Garrick says:
and should i be converted back... it would be because of yer niceness XD

Praise the Lord! =)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Imaginary Casting For The New Jedi Order

Sometimes I imagine

Larisa Oleynik (Alex Mack) or Jennifer Connelly as Jaina

River Phoenix as Jacen

Kevin Zegers as Anakin

Amy Allen, Famke Janssen, Jennifer Garner, Cameron Diaz, or Angelina Jolie as Mara Jade

Young Candice Bergen as teenage Tahiri Veila

Brandon Routh, Chris Evans, or Ben Barnes as Jagged Fel

Joaquin Phoenix as Kyp Durron

Friday, June 24, 2005

Welcome to my Blog

This is just the humble wee blog of a studious young altarserver who loves serving God.

Just a wee word of warning, I rarely update/check comments on this page.

287 A clerk from Oxford was with us also,
288 Who'd turned to getting knowledge, long ago.
289 As meagre was his horse as is a rake,
290 Nor he himself too fat, I'll undertake,
291 But he looked hollow and went soberly.
292 Right threadbare was his overcoat; for he
293 Had got him yet no churchly benefice,
294 Nor was so worldly as to gain office.
295 For he would rather have at his bed's head
296 Some twenty books, all bound in black and red,
297 Of Aristotle and his philosophy
298 Than rich robes, fiddle, or gay psaltery.
299 Yet, and for all he was philosopher,
300 He had but little gold within his coffer;
301 But all that he might borrow from a friend
302 On books and learning he would swiftly spend,
303 And then he'd pray right busily for the souls
304 Of those who gave him wherewithal for schools.
305 Of study took he utmost care and heed.
306 Not one word spoke he more than was his need;
307 And that was said in fullest reverence
308 And short and quick and full of high good sense.
309 Pregnant of moral virtue was his speech;
310 And gladly would he learn and gladly teach.

- Excerpt from the Prologue to The Canterbury Tales by Geoffrey Chaucer about the Oxford Cleric, a character who's very similar to me. :)