So Christina and I did our grocery shopping at Dollarama yesterday... Just got some cutlery, a new shower curtain, some garbage cans... Dollarama is the East Coast twin of Dollar Giant. Everything's a buck! Wohoo! XD We saw our computer lab buddies Vivian and Jed there at the mall yesterday so we went to Loblaw's with them and bought a bag of apples that will hopefully last us till the end of the program. Christina really wanted parmesan cheese too... There was one kind that was for 14$... Kriffing hell!! It`s quite wierd how Loblaw's is the high-end grocery store in the East, while Superstore is cheap in the West. XD We bought the cheap parmesan. lol. Then we went back to our dorm... We agreed to meet back with Vivian and Jed at the computer lab after dinner... We just checked our email and left right away... We were wondering if our 2 other roommates would show up and lo and behold they arrived last night... Alix is from Saskatoon but goes to McGill & Sarah (Oilers fan... Boo!! j/p) is from Edmonton. Sarah`s engaged to a Flames fan... That should be interesting! XP We were pretty tired last night & slept quite early... I decorated my room last night too. I have pictures. =)
Today we got to the caf for breakfast at 7:45, just when they told us to come, but we waited in line until 8:40... What the kriff... I saw Kathryn in line! But she was way ahead of me! We didn`t get to talk much, since I was walking to the back of the line with my roommates. XD Then we went to our welcome assembly... And we had our entrance test in this huge exam room with swivvely chairs. Sarah, Christina and I sat with the guys we met in line for breakfast, Joel and Mike... Alix woke up late, so we just saw her when we were walking to our seats in the exam hall. The first part of the exam was guided by this tape recording with a Texan accent. >.< Then it was written... I barely finished... I still had pretty much the whole vocab section left when the prof said «one minute left», so I just randomly pencilled in scantron circles and handed the test in to the teachers who were collecting them. There are so many people here! I've just stuck with my roommates and Vivian and Jed... Everyone's really nice here, though. We still haven't been busted for speaking English... Everyone's still speaking English here... Supposedly there`s a countdown then we'll start speaking French
en tout temps (all the time).
My dormmates and I managed to avoid a long food lineup at lunch... We lined up with Kathryn and ate with her and the girls from her dorm. Kathryn arrived here yesterday afternoon and said she went to some place where you can get good sandwiches for dinner last night. I wonder where that is... *scratches head* Christina and I met up with Sarah and Lara, her friend from another dorm, by the entrance of the Albert-Tessier building (the equivalent of the SUB) after we had a snack at the caf. Then the 4 of us went to the mall together... I bought cough drops at Zellers and I got placemats for Sarah and Alix at Dollarama. Ooh we had ice cream from La Crémière (Did you go there, Tita Cyn?), since Christina kept mentioning it when we passed it in the mall... She and her Mom had ice cream there when they first arrived in Trois-Rivières and she said it was really good ice cream. I ordered Cabane a Sucre. It was delishy. La Crémière has frozen yogurt the same as Yogen Früz and fruit smoothies with jelly in them, almost like bubble tea, aside from ice cream. On our walk back to the dorm, Lara got a cart from one of these huge stores that we passed and used it to help carry her 2 heavy shopping bags and the huge pack of water that she bought at Zellers. We have pictures! Bwahaha! («I'm not stealing it yet!» - Lara upon acquiring the cart). We have an assembly tonight, where we`ll have a countdown to the time when we'll have to speak en français en tout temps. I envy the kids who I saw at the mall... They have such lovely accents. Lara, Christina, Sarah and I all have costumes ready for le bal costumé (the costume ball) on Friday. Sarah`s gonna dress as Pippi Longstockings. That suits her coz she has lovely strawberry blonde hair. Christina's gonna dress like in 70s-inspired clothing. I brought my little black dress and heels of doom so I suppose I'll be Dana Tan (Terry/the new Batman's girlfriend) from Batman Beyond (That's right, Kat! Cosplay! Bwahaha! XD) or Lana Lang from Smallville... I prefer being Dana though... She could be Filipina. (You can see her picture here: ). Ooh at the mall I was delighted to hear Roch Voisine's «
Delivre-Moi» («Deliver Me» in French! Bwahaha!). People here listen to the same music as we do in Vancouver, except for the French songs. XD I feel like listening to more Roch Voisine when I get back to the dorm. Bwahaha (That's right, Marz! I bought myself the good ol' CD with «
La Bas Du L'hombre» on it)! >=)
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