Saturday, February 06, 2010

VVL Day 3

I met a super nice young American Olympic speed skater, an American figure skater, and the American Olympic team members who just arrived by bus.

I got pins as a giftie.

I saw the slovakian women's hockey team. they were pretty and smelled good. XD

The Italian figure skaters and short-track speed skaters "ciaoed" at us.

A Japanese athlete responded to my "bonjour-allo" with a "bonju." :D

I greeted some russian athletes leaving the skytrain on my way to the bus stop. I felt bad for ignoring a homeless guy on the street especially in my vanoc uniform.

Stephen said hi and see you tomorrow. :D

Jackie didn't get mad at me for being late.

Will and I watched the end of the Canucks game together and talked serious Canucks hockey. :D

I met Kristie the firefighter.