Monday, June 09, 2008

Which Female Action Hero Are You?

You are Buffy the Vampire Slayer. You are outgoing, warm, and sociable. Your intelligence and intuition give you a strong sense of right and wrong; you may be soft, sweet, and a little air-headed at times, but you are fully capable of proving yourself more than a stereotype.

Find Your Character @

Which Disney Character Are You?

You are Mickey Mouse. You are a born leader. You make most of the decisions and have most of the ideas. This is mainly because you are a great problem solver and aren't afraid to take the lead.

Find Your Character @

Which Scrubs Character Are You?

You are JD. Your day is full of enlightenment and happiness. You take mishaps in stride and find a way to turn them around. You are totally involved with your friends and would do anything for them- and they would do the same for you. You can be a goof-ball at times, but you also have a sensitive heart. People feel joy when they see you and can't wait until you come back.

Find Your Character @