Monday, March 01, 2010

Glasses Shopping/Olympic Coolness

Mom bought me nice new Olympic glasses: one pair with a funky red, white, and green design on the sides, and one pair with a dark frame with wave blue on the inside. :) I was able to watch the gold medal women's hockey game, Caroline Ouelette's post-medal interview, the Canadians in ski aerials, Joannie Rochette's bronze medal program, and an interview with the gold medal winning Canadian women's hockey team. :) I bought Mom a Sumi keychain for half price ($5) at London Drugs. I texted Ate Marge, Bunthai, and Ryan about it. I put Sumi on my backpack. Mom didn't freak out after. :) I stomped on the noisy forest planks downtown. :) It would be cool for someone to dance to fiddle music on them. :D